Programa de Comunicación Social - Uninorte (Barranquilla)

Miradas desde Colombia

Estudiantes de Comunicación Social de la Universidad del Norte realizan su aporte a este proyecto colectivo presentando sus reflexiones y la de miembros de sus círculos sociales en torno al llamado propuesto por el Altas de Imaginación Cívica.

More posts about "2060", "climate change", "education", "pandemic", and "technology"

Surprise Me

The Atlas of the Civic Imagination is part of a partnership between the National Writing Project and the Civic Imagination Project.

We are committed to supporting people’s creative civic participation by providing a safe and supportive environment for imagination, writing, media creation, sharing, and publishing. Through its affiliation with the National Writing Project, the Atlas is COPPA compliant and facilitator-managed.