Technology/Environment/Human Rights
The year is 2060. The world has gone through a revolution, governments have been overthrown and the universal model of suffrage is scrapped in favor of consensus and no politicians involved in the running of states.
People can now travel more freely and borders have become a thing of the past. The human race is moving at breakneck speed to concur the other planets with the use of technology. These are the things I hope will be there in 2060. HIV is no longer a killer disease and a vaccine for it has been found. Cancer patients can now live longer lives with no pain from the disease. The world temperature passes the threshold of 4 degrees celsius unleashing with it giant Tsunamis. The number of trillonaires in the world hits 15.A non state actor takes control of America's nuclear warheads and demands for a ransom of 300 trillion.Space travel and tourism becomes a main fixture. The most developed countries in the world decide to disband their national armies in favor of using robot soldiers. The world has fully moved to using clean, renewable energy in the face of rising global temperatures. The recycling of plastic waste hits 100%. The key thing that has changed between 2020 and 2060 is the change from using non renewable energy to renewable energy in all facets of life. People will remember 2020 as the year COVID-19 hit the world hard and ground the world to a halt.
Keywords for this future: Technology/Environment/Human Rights
Image: Attribution-NoDerivs 2.0 Generic (CC BY-ND 2.0) - Credit lisa-skorpion