Happy Family

Tôi sẽ có một gia đình hạnh phúc, có đủ tiền tiêu, con cái khoẻ mạnh.

By NgocLan2000 from Vietnam 2 in Viet Nam

What is the key thing that changed between 2020 and 2060?

Tôi sẽ có một gia đình hạnh phúc, có đủ tiền tiêu, con cái khoẻ mạnh. (I will have a happy family, will have enough money to sustain myself, and my children will be healthy.)

What story or thing inspires you to think about this?

Xã hội biến động về thiên nhiên lẫn con người. Thiên nhiên thay đổi. Loài người tệ hại hơn khi tỉ lệ nam nữ không còn cân bằng, không còn muốn kết hôn, do cơm áo gạo tiền. (Too many crises going on, for our nature and for human beings. Our nature is changing. Human race is getting worse with unbalanced male-female ratio. People just don't want to get married anymore because they have to make ends meet.)

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The Atlas of the Civic Imagination is part of a partnership between the National Writing Project and the Civic Imagination Project.

We are committed to supporting people’s creative civic participation by providing a safe and supportive environment for imagination, writing, media creation, sharing, and publishing. Through its affiliation with the National Writing Project, the Atlas is COPPA compliant and facilitator-managed.