From 2020 to 2060

I personally believe that as a black woman, who by then would most likely have black children and even possibly grandchildren, I will not have to live with the fear of my children being discriminated against or targeted due to the color of their skin

By Charlyne R. from Los Angeles 34 in California

I personally believe that as a black woman, who by then would most likely have black children and even possibly grandchildren, I will not have to live with the fear of my children being discriminated against or targeted due to the color of their skin. Racism will not be given any leeway and will be looked down upon by mostly everyone. Police officers will be better trained, children in school will be more accepting and inclusive as a result of their parents having lived through 2020 and seeing where exclusivity and discrimination has led us.

Inspiration: The Black Lives Matter Movement which took place this summer in response to the atrocity which happened to George Floyd resonates with me as I think about this. Seeing how the world, especially my generation, came together calling for change and justice truly makes me hopeful for the future since it is this generation which will be leading.

Image: Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0) - Dana L. Brown

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