Communicate or Die

I would hope in 40 years that the world in general is much improved at communicating with each other. On both a micro(friendships, relationships, marriages) and macro(political parties, nations, maybe aliens) scale.

By Manny from Atlanta in Georgia

I would hope in 40 years that the world in general is much improved at communicating with each other. On both a micro(friendships, relationships, marriages) and macro(political parties, nations, maybe aliens) scale. Along with the difficult skill of empathy, I believe that communication is vital to our survival as a species and it is clear, in today's world more than ever, that we are awful at communicating with each other. We are close-minded, reticent in relations to people who believe and see different than we do, and seldom actively listen. I think if we continue on the trend we are on, then we will be swiftly approaching our demise.

The word communication comes from the Latin words “communis” and “communicare” which mean common, communiality, or sharing, and making something common. Quite literally, communication means sharing ourselves and becoming more common with one another. It directly translates to community, commonality, and collectivity. Communication is the foundation, the building block of community, the sole element that determines our success and advancement. Where there is no communication, there can be no community, and where there is no community, there is nothing. It bleeds into every crack, crevice, and corner of life, can enable us greatly or hinder us severely, and it is essential to every single phase of life.

But when we think of communication we must not only refine our ability to speak and say, but also the skill that I believe we tend to overlook: listening. I believe being able to listen is more important than being able to convey one’s thoughts and feelings. Discourse among people, especially groups that do not share the same opinion, would look completely different, more civilized, and thus more beneficial and productive. I mean just think about it. Imagine if people were able to thoroughly and attentively LISTEN to someone who did not share their exact same beliefs, backgrounds, and experiences. Imagine if couples were able to effectively communicate exactly what they need in their relationships. Imagine if people were able to challenge the idea and not the person. We would truly have the world at our fingertips. There will be no limit.

I hope in 40 years, as I will be approaching 60 and hopefully will have a wife, kids, and maybe a couple grandkids, the world will be more empathetic and communicative.

Along with my parents, constantly bashing me over the head with the phrase, "Communication is key", every friendship and relationship that has either failed or is going really well has shown be the importance of communication and how it applies to every facet of life.

About contributor: Born in Miami, Florida but raised in Atlanta, Georgia and local of Chattanooga, TN and Los Angeles, CA. Student at the University of Southern California studying Business Administration. I love music and my favorite movie is Wayne's World.

Image: Attribution 2.0 Generic (CC BY 2.0) - Chris Garcia

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