By Catie from What if...? in Vermont

In 2060, there would be equality for all. Everyone would be treated fairly no matter their race, gender, sexuality, sexual orientation, religion, etc.  This is a change that needs to occur, and I have been inspired by many people. Some of them include my friends and family, but also famous people like Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and many more people. These people inspire me to stand up for what I believe in and be the change I want to see in the world.

What if...?

Our 2060

Think about the current moment, your situation and what you see around you - your fears and concerns. Take a deep breath. Inhale. Exhale. Now think about something that inspires you: a story from popular culture, folklore, your faith, your childhood. The story could be non-fiction, fiction or even fantasy. It could be something you have noticed happening around you. It could be a story about a person in your life. Imagine it is now the year 2060 and the world is as you would like it to be. What is possible in 2060? How do people live, engage, move around, learn, communicate, work, take care of themselves etc? Now, answer the questions below: What is a key thing that has changed between 2020 and 2060? And, why? What story, thing, event, or person inspires you? Why? Include 2-3 words that tag your response. Share your response in any format you like - write, draw, record audio, make a short video (anything else works too, but note that the google form submission option only supports text and links).

More posts about "2060", "equality", and "justice"

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The Atlas of the Civic Imagination is part of a partnership between the National Writing Project and the Civic Imagination Project.

We are committed to supporting people’s creative civic participation by providing a safe and supportive environment for imagination, writing, media creation, sharing, and publishing. Through its affiliation with the National Writing Project, the Atlas is COPPA compliant and facilitator-managed.