Dual Society - 2060 a truly local, truly global society

2060 people are more local, the village is back in vogue, cities are enclosed clustered.

By Sohail D. from Sydney in Australia

By 2020 the world had truly became global with many people traveling across the globe, tourists yearly traveling, business people traveling to another country just for a meeting. We became connected physically in ways never imagined. Then COVID came and put a halt to this. We had to reinvent society change out habits. 2060 people are more local, the village is back in vogue, cities are enclosed clustered. At the sometime virtual technology has made it possible to connect more virtually. This had created a dual living, we became even more global, one language, one culture, however their was physical separation. This created a unique chasm of society and culture, geography became a powerful dictator of certain society rules, while global citizenship took over in many other rules and habits.

Who inspires me? The invention of Aviation.

Image: Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0) - Jocelyn Erskine-Kellie


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The Atlas of the Civic Imagination is part of a partnership between the National Writing Project and the Civic Imagination Project.

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